From Hamiltonproceed down Middle Road. Prior to passing through Warwick, Riddell’s Bay Road is located on your right. If you see the lighthouse on your left you have gone too far! After turning right, down Riddell’s Bay Road you will enter the main entrance to the Club on your right.
From Harbour Road you will want to proceed west. Harbour Road comes to a stop at Middle Road. After turning right onto Middle Road you will turn right onto Riddell’s Bay Road. The main clubhouse and parking lot is on you right off of Riddell’s Bay Road.
From the South Shore you will want to make your way to Middle Road. Riddell’s Bay Road is closely located to the junction of Harbour and Middle Roads.
From the West End your only option is to travel along Middle Road. You will pass the lighthouse on your right followed by a gas station then a small shopping plaza on your left. Riddell’s Bay Road is fast aproaching and you will turn left. Proceed down Riddell’s Bay Road and turn right into the main parking lot.